The story does drag at times. I found it became redundant after a few tales. The viewer knows what is coming. And gets numb to it. What kept my attention was the effect meth had on families. Children were all-but abandoned. Spouses gave up on each other. Parents tried again and again to save their kids from the addictions. And jail time was a frequent outcome for most users.
American Meth is a documentary. It isn't likely to be found in the "New Release" section of Blockbuster. So I had to go looking for it. And it met my expectations. While slightly dry in places, the stories were touching and well presented. Morbid to say, but I honestly wanted to see some more overdoses and a lot more about the physical side effects of prolonged meth use.
Probably not something to watch on a date. But I would recommend it for older kids, to demonstrate what is lurking out there. I think the movie makes its point and it is a point that should be shared with as many people as possible.
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