Much more relaxed celebration this year. Just me, Cindy, and eventually Jason. Headed to
Kilted Kelly's for drinks and what-I-thought-would-be-a-meal. Nice, clean, open place. Lovely bar. Nice selection of beer. Including my absolute favorite beverage on tap:
Woodchuck Cider! Not only do they have Amber, but they also have the Spring Seasonal on tap. And both came in a cool Woodchuck glass. Never seen that until tonight. Very nice touch, Kelly. I like the cut of your jib!
Spring was
interesting. Main ingredient: maple syrup. Tasted kinda like brown sugar if you didn't know what was in there. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't Amber. So I ended up having one Spring and three Ambers.
Cindy didn't like the menu. Pub grub. She wanted much more. Nachos didn't come with beef. She didn't want chili. But we tried the jalapeno poppers. By "pop" they mean "scald your mouth and make you contemplate a trip to the ER." Not my favorite. But Cindy ate a couple. And fortunately we were next door to
Lookout Steakhouse. So I was sniffing distance from a delicious burger.
Jason showed up. In his kilt. I could hear him approaching before I saw him. Everyone in the crowd was hooping and hollering. I think he was high fiving. And some people were trying to place orders with him. Beautiful kilt. Great big boots. And our server lass loved it. Ain't they a sweet couple? He had a beer. Cindy had another margarita. I played some tunes on the jukebox. The Amber cooled my jets.
Eventually went to the-aforementioned-Lookout. Cool seats upstairs. And we weren't far from a Rick Santorum impersonator. Seriously. This guy was a dead ringer. I was tempted to get a picture with HIM and Jason. Anyway. Burgers for the McDougal Lads. And a portobello sammich for Lady McD. Delicious, as usual, and we finished every bite.
Headed home around 10P. Cindy, drunk off two drinks, wanted to stay and dance and drink and thensome. But one of us had to be reasonable. She wouldn't have lasted much longer and in the morning she would be on death's doorstep. So I bullied her into the car to conclude my birthday festivities. And that's birthday bash #41. A little more mature. A little more reserved.