Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Regional Food Fight 2013

At the office we're waging a polite little war disguised as a "Regional Food Fight." It is my property versus two other off-Strip properties. The goal is to raise 50,000lbs worth of food for local community kitchens and non-profit organizations. The winning property gets a Stanley Cup sized trophy. And each location is having their own self-contained competitions.

My department is mostly donating money. Maybe sixty pounds of actual foodstuff. But we have collected almost two hundred dollars in cash. And nearly everyone has donated. Which should give us an excellent average contribution.

All together, the property has amassed almost two tons of food. And we still have a couple of days to go. I think we're on our third pallet. At least the second. And still a few days left to go.

Days like this, I love going to work!

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