Sunday, August 17, 2008


Frederick Fauth runs one of my favorite blogs: One Project Closer (OPC.) It focuses on normal people doing home renovation projects. He also provides great renovation-related reviews, gives fantastic HOW TO instructions, and takes the the time to personally respond to comments, emails, and instant messages.

OPC currently has a Before & After competition that picks entries from viewer submissions, contributes to Habitat For Humanity, and has a prize for one lucky winner. There have been some really good entries over the past few weeks, too.

This week, OPC picked my submission and posted about my handiwork.Given the stellar quality of the other entries, I'm thrilled to have been picked to run along side them. The recognition from OPC makes it worth the hours of sweat and the reams of bills from Lowes. Click through to see the entire post, including my novel-length recanting of the adventure and some never-before-seen shots of the finished product.

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