Thursday, June 23, 2011


Found the complete results of the Buster Britton Triathlon today. Out of 399 people who finished, I ranked 322nd. That's in the bottom 25%. Not even average. Well below average.

I guess I should be easier on myself. I'm a full time geek. Never competed in any sports in my life. And this is only my first year of trying. But I don't like knowing that everything I did only put me in the bottom quarter of the race. Didn't think I was in the top 10%, but I never thought I was below average...

Been struggling all day. Had a pitiful workout. Back and biceps. Then an even worse performance on the bike. Not into it at all. Feel nothing but personal disappointment. And an overwhelming sense of defeat. Training so hard to do so poorly?

Have to improve my perspective. I did beat 77 other people. And three fat guys in my age division! I've got that going for me. If I improve my running game and keep making improvements on my swimming, I should climb up through the ranks. Four more races this season. I plan to do better with each one. But for now, it hurts. And I'm having a hard time getting past it. For now.

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