Before the individual class accomplishments, the Librarian gave out a series of awards. These days, kids are aggressively encouraged to read. They get to check out books, read them, and take computerized tests and score points based on their comprehension of what they read. As they accumulate points, they advance in the ranks. And they win special dogtags as they go through the various levels. So the librarian was giving out awards to those kids that scored the most points. For his class, Liam receiv

After the literacy awards, Liam's teacher gave out the individual certificates. When Liam came up, he received The Sky Is The Limit Award. Somewhat obscure, but entirely appropriate. Liam's able to do anything he puts his mind to. He also had two other awards in his folder, but I didn't catch those. Probably related to his reading (what other 2nd grader has read Tom Sawyer, Mody Dick, and The Oddesy?)

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