Anyway, I'm catching up on some old posts. They'll appear over the next few days. In the meanwhile, a couple of updates of the more boring aspects of my adventures:
- My neck is much better. It is mostly muscular discomfort every so often. No more sharp pains. my range of movement is greatly improved. I think I'm about 90% recovered.
- Still haven't been to the gym. Must be close to a month. Very disappointed to have such an interruption in my progress. But there was no choice on the matter. I could barely walk, let alone lift weights. I'm hoping to start back on Saturday and restart my training program from day one.
- Still trying to unclutter my world. Two steps forward, but one step back. Cleaned out about half of my eBay-worthy goods, but refilled the empty spaces with items for remodeling the house. My garage is still a disaster. Cindy hasn't cleaned any cabinets. But the kids did do a good job going through their closets. We have four bags of clothes to donate. And I have a still have plenty to auction off.
- Still trying to drop off the extra pounds. But after a month of sloth, I'm sure I gained back the seven or eight pounds I lost. But we have almost two months before we hit the beach. I'm hoping to make a dent on my waistline before then.
- All manner of oddness among my friends: Kimmer is still searching for a new gig. Adam landed at SAIC. Ron's had a few leads but nothing solid. Lisa's on her way to Virginia shortly. And Kenny is watching the approach of a shockwave from the collapse of the real estate market. He hopes he can ride it out. We're all ducking for cover.
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