Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Computer Desk

Ever since we moved into the "new house" three years ago, I've been using a makeshift computer desk. Of course by "desk,"  I mean an empty Dell PC box. It was ratty and flimsy. A tool of necessity rather than desire. Getting a replacement wasn't really high on my "to do" list. The box served its singular purpose without any problems. And without any thanks. However, we both knew its days were numbered,

Today, while shopping for toys and videos for the children, I came across an attractive, inexpensive replacement for the empty Dell PC box. Big Lots was having one of those inventory reduction sales. And a special item caught my eye. Made in America. Simple design. Clean lines. A subtle, slide-out keyboard tray. And one lone cabinet to hold my shizzle. Oh yeah, it was dirty cheap, as well. Pretty much all my favorite characteristics rolled up in a single sale.

So, I bought it. (Not even thirty bucks.) Along with a Barbie Kitchen set for Meg. And rented Destroy All Humans for Liam. Thus, with the children distracted, I was free to get my build on.

Thankfully, American construction is still a thing of beauty. On top of the aforementioned modern design, the desk was not only easy to build (I seriously only used my VPX cordless screwdriver and a small hammer!) but surprisingly sturdy once it was assembled.

I removed the tattered,  old, empty Dell PC box and replaced it with my modern, new computer desk.  While I was at it (and since I had a lot more surface area) I finally replaced that single 19" screen with my trusty old dual 21" screens. Haven't used those since my days In Atlanta.

Very very happy with the result. Not only is it cleaner, easier to maintain, graffiti-free, and waaaaay sexier, but I almost tripled the amount of screen space I have available to me.

I just have to organize the cables (couldn't find the velcro strips right away then got antsy to fire up the computer) and I can check off another lingering project.

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